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effettivamente mi sono spiegato male... mi blocco alla penultima operazione ...vedi sotto

Download the newest desktop drivers from http://www.ati.com (or get them from Driver Heaven Downloads) FATTO
Run the downloaded driver, let it extract into C:/ATI/SUPPORT - but cancel the installation once the driver is extracted. FATTO
Run Mobility Modder.NET and browse to the driver in C:ATI/SUPPORT/ - an example of Catalyst 7.4 would be C:ATISUPPORT7-4_vista32_dd_ccc_enu_44985 - hit modify. FATTO

Ha questo punto mi dice "Searching driver file" come se non trovasse i file che deve modificare.... forse non è compatibile con l'ultimo catalyst che ho scaricato....

Wait until driver is modified.
In Vista, go to C:ATISUPPORT7-4_vista32_dd_ccc_enu_44985 (Or whatever the driver installation folder was called), and run the SETUP.EXE.